Arch Whiskey Decanter 1000ml
The Arch Whiskey Decanter brings whimsical elegance to the idea of traditional glassware. Sleek and simple, the Arch whiskey bottle comes with an element of surprise: the gentle curvature of the base, which amplifies the sculptural quality of its silhouette. Crafted from clear lead-free crystal, this classic heavy-bottomed decanter is the perfect gift for the discerning drinker.
Sitting solidly on any surface, this decanter is perfect for everyday use or for serving to guests at a dinner party. Great as a house-warming gift as well!Â
- Dimensions: 13 cm x 19.5 cm
- Capacity: 1 L
- Material: Lead-free crystal
- Handmade in Turkey
- Item Code:Â 1049901
- Comes packed in branded printed box
- Box includes 1 Decanter
About the Brand:Â Based near Istanbul, Turkey, Nude Glass is the creator and manufacturer of contemporary glassware for modern living. Part of the Sisecam group, Nude Glass has a mission to design and create beautiful collections of lead-free crystal glass objects. Their immaculate crystal adds beauty and refinement to any environment, making sure they keep a sense of simplicity and fun.
MRP: Rs.10773.00 (inclusive of all taxes)